
  1. nella pagina shop scegliere una categoria di prodotti
  2. inte category page click on a group of products to view them
  3. you can use side menu to navigate other products categories


  1. if you are not logged in prices won't be visible and it will not be possible add items to basket
  2. if you are logged in there are up to three inputs add items amount to basket; each input corresponds to a price list
  3. for each price list are shown item unit price and minimum items amount
  4. total item amount is visible at the end of the row
  5. basket icon shows the number of items added to basket


  1. it is possible to change quantity and remove items from basket
  2. selection of a business name to be linked to order request is mandatory (a business name is always created at registration time)
  3. click on button ti send order request